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Advanced Marijuana

What is a THC Hangover and What Can You Do About One?

Updated December, 2023

On April 6, 2016, Pennsylvania made history when the governor legalized marijuana for medical patients. Since that time, over 100 dispensaries have opened their doors, providing customers with a range of beneficial medical marijuana (MMJ) products. Whether you prefer to enjoy medical marijuana in flower, concentrate, or edible form, you may have experienced a so-called marijuana hangover. This experience typically entails withdrawal symptoms such as irritability, feelings of depression, lost appetite, and the onset of a headache. Though a marijuana hangover may be unpleasant, it’s a temporary affliction that can often be relieved and avoided with safe consumption habits. Read on to learn more about what causes an MMJ hangover and how you can ensure you’re using medical marijuana safely.

Understanding Where a Marijuana Hangover Comes From

Contrary to popular belief, a THC hangover is not like an alcohol hangover. An alcohol hangover is typically caused by the ethanol contained in alcoholic drinks as well as the body’s inflammatory response to alcohol. Conversely, each person experiences a marijuana hangover differently, so it’s hard to identify a single cause that can be isolated. That said, at least one study links the use of medical marijuana to user dehydration, which could be a contributing factor. Symptoms of a THC hangover mirror those of dehydration closely, so it stands to reason that these two experiences may be linked.

How Long Do THC Hangovers Last?

Just as the cause of marijuana hangovers isn’t fully known, the experience’s specific conditions remain a mystery, too. Reports from some users say that they experience withdrawal symptoms after going 24 hours without medical marijuana and that the symptoms can last just a few hours or a whole day. Others say that their withdrawal symptoms set in after 48 hours and will continue until they are able to access medical marijuana. It’s clear that every user has a different experience, so it’s difficult to predict exactly how long you might experience an THC hangover.

It’s important to note, too, that many users don’t experience withdrawal symptoms at all. The idea of a THC hangover is based almost entirely on anecdotal evidence rather than peer-reviewed research. In fact, there is not yet any peer-reviewed research that proves the existence of marijuana related hangovers. If you happen to experience adverse symptoms after use, other potential causes should be considered, too.

Causes of a THC Hangover

There are plenty of phenomena that may be responsible for the set of symptoms that are labeled a THC hangover. The aforementioned incidence of dehydration is a potential cause, as is the simultaneous use of other drugs or alcohol. Many medical marijuana users enjoy consuming alcohol along with their MMJ, and indeed this can further aid relaxation, but it can also increase the likelihood of withdrawal symptoms that can be mistaken for an medical marijuana hangover. This is also true if you happen to enjoy other substances with medical marijuana, including other drugs.

Many prescription drugs have contraindicative interactions with medical marijuana, and mixing these substances can easily cause an adverse reaction that triggers symptoms like those associated with a marijauna hangover. If you’re experiencing symptoms of withdrawal, it’s possible that it’s caused by a drug interaction rather than the effects of medical marijuana in and of itself. It’s important to rule out other potential catalysts before assuming that MMJ is to blame for your symptoms.

How to Conquer a THC Hangover

When the telltale signs of a THC hangover start to set in, you’re probably more concerned about a cure than the cause. Indeed, regardless of what’s to blame for withdrawal symptoms, finding a solution is imperative. Even a mild hangover with subtle symptoms can be distracting enough to derail your plans for the day. How can you overcome these symptoms, then, and make a full recovery? There are several strategies you can employ to conquer a medical marijuana hangover, including the following:

  • Drink lots of water to mitigate potential dehydration
  • Eat some food if you are not feeling nauseated
  • Try to get some rest to sleep off the symptoms

These tips can mitigate the intensity of symptoms and help you recover from a potential THC hangover. If you find that you continue to suffer from hangovers, though, you should investigate whether other phenomena might be the cause.

Tips for No More Marijuana Hangovers

Prevention is the best medicine, so of course, you likely want to know how to stop THC hangovers before they happen. Luckily, there are several ways to accomplish this and minimize the chance of withdrawal symptoms kicking in. The most important precaution you should take is monitoring your medical marijuana usage and always practicing safe consumption. Although marijuana is proven to be safe for medical use, it can still be misused if you are not careful. This means you should carefully allocate a daily usage allowance that’s appropriate for your needs, height, weight, and tolerance level. This can prevent hangovers that result from overuse.

Often times people can make mistakes relating to how much they are consuming, whether that is misunderstanding THC vs THCa or just having difficulty reading their medical marijuana labels correctly. Learning more about the way testing is done and labeled can help you avoid this. Many people also turn to high CBD strains to avoid excessive amounts of THC in their daily consumption and help curb the risk of a marijuana hangover.

Additionally, you should take a tolerance break if you find your dosage gradually increasing. The more THC you consume, the higher your likelihood of any adverse effects. It’s important, then, that you suspend consumption of MMJ for a while if you find that withdrawal symptoms commonly follow your use. Some sources advise that such a break can be effective after just a few days, while others say that an effective tolerance break must be at least several weeks or a month long.

Find the Best Medical Marijuana in the State of Pennsylvania

Marijuana hangovers might be a downer, but finding the best MMJ is worth the search. If you’re looking for the best source of medical marijuana in the state of Pennsylvania, look no further than FLUENT. FLUENT is the top dispensary location serving locations such as Hanover, Mechanicsburg, and Annville. Each of our locations stocks top-quality MMJ products and is staffed by the most knowledgeable budtenders in the business. We can help you find the best medical marijuana products for your needs. For more information, you can call us at (717) 344-5559 or reach out to us online.

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Image Source:  fizkes / Shutterstock